Buckeley's 2002 Chardonnay

Sweet, smooth, tasty white wine from Australia, with silhouetted kangaroos right on the label. No sharpness, acidity, or vinegary taste to speak of – in fact, it tastes much more like a good melon-guava smoothie than a typical wine, fortunately minus the pulp.

Australia is better known for shiraz, but this chardonnay is totally satisfying, and it's only $10. A good choice if you wish to appear like a wine connoisseur but actually just don't want to spend much on a bottle of wine, since your real aim is to simply get drunk and try to forget about the nude photos of your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend that you found in her diary.

Well, you have to admit you were asking for it, reading her diary! But it will take a whole lot more Buckeley's to blot out the entry where she describes you as "Napoleonic, both in misguided, unjustified ego and deeply disappointing, microscopic penis size."

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Jo Jo Wassaman

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