Carlsberg Beer

When I want a regular beer – that is, just an honest-to-goodness, full-bodied, pleasantly palatable, inoffensive-yet-slightly-distinguished beer – I reach for a Carlsberg. Carlsberg is actually a Danish import, but it seems like the local brew at your romanticized blue-collar bar of choice. It does essentially the same trick as a Budweiser or a Heineken, but has this vaguely global working-class sensibility that helps me pretend that I'm not just getting drunk … I am saving the world.

Nothing remarkable about it, and that's precisely why I enjoy it. It's like, sometimes, even if you know that Albert Ayler is "better" to listen to, you must admit that Derek & the Dominoes just hit the spot. So you can be a "regular" person while maintaining, even in your mind, your elitist edge. 'Cause ultimately, elitist or "regular," you're really just trying to get a buzz, you know?

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Stubbs

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