Country Time Lemonade

Whenever I see a Country Time Lemonade, I always get one, somehow forgetting each time that it's really not that great a drink. Maybe it's that upon seeing a can of Country Time, the old Country Time jingle immediately pops into my head ("Country Ti-ime, Country Time, Country Time / Tastes like that good old-fashioned lemonade"), and I am so pleased by it that I am fooled.

That is truly admirable marketing—it's still selling me Country Time 25-odd years and 373 cans later.

But my tongue has a bone to pick with the consumerist-center neuron cluster in my brain, because beyond the catchy tune is just a weak-tasting "lemonade flavor" drink that feels like urine going down, to say nothing of how much it feels like urine when it's converted to urine.

Still, even tepid lemonade is nonetheless lemonade, and so I'll continue, from time to time, to drink it, despite the fact that it make me thirstier than I was before I started drinking the thing. Its weak sweetness is more than compensated for by the power of suggestion delivered, even now, by its mid-70s advertising.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Puffy Pants

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