Just Desserts Crème Brûlée Liqueur

Crème brûlée is God's sweetest gift, sure … but does it get you drunk? No! That's where Just Desserts Crème Brûlée Liqueur comes in.

Operating on the same concept as Bailey's Irish Cream, but more vanilla-and-caramelly, this is sweet, a little curdly, quite creamy, and easily sufficient to serve as dessert, since, after all, crème brûlée can't be eaten every day. Neither can Just Desserts be drunk every night, neither … you'd get too fat, for one thing, but also, it would be a shame to tire of such an unusual and indulgent liqueur.

Serve over ice for best effect, or over ice cream if you're really going for broke. It could probably be used in coffee or over cereal, too, so why not start the day right?

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Review by Firecracker I. Smelt

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