Killian's Irish Red

One of the first dark beers I ever found drinkable, Killian's was an occasional favorite during my late college years. It indeed lives up to its name, as it is a deep, rich red, and sufficiently Irish. 🤔

It's very smooth and flavorful with a slightly bitter note. The aftertaste lingers maybe a second too long, but not nearly enough to annoy. Overall, a very drinkable dark beer, more or less the Cherry Coke of beers.

If you're on a quest to "get into" dark beers, ales, stouts, and various other kinds of beers, consider Killian's Step Two after Michelob Amber Bock.

On the other hand, if you're just getting into the twelve-step AA program, I'd say Killian's is about Step Four. An Alabama Slammer is Step One, Budweiser Step Three, and you go all the way to Steps Eleven and Twelve, which are pure Everclear right out of the bottle, and Unocal 76 Alcohol Funny Car Fuel (141 octane) respectively.

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Review by ICE

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