Maharishi Ayur-Ved Vata Tea

One of three Ayurvedic teas offered by Maharishi Ayur-Ved, Vata tea is a calming tea that takes the edge off when all your energies are out of balance. They also offer Kapha and Pitta teas to energize and cool, respectively.

Beyond the mystical powers offered by these teas, they are just delicious. Truly, I find it hard to stomach even the thought of taking in a Celestial Seasonings blend at this point, much less a *shiver* Bigelow.

Uh-oh, look who's spillin' the tea! 🍆

Vata is super mild, with a sweet little licorice aftertaste that rings in your mouth and makes you start singing mid 70s album tracks by George Harrison. It's a beverage for your soul as well as your mouth. The more of it I drink, the more enlightened I become.

HONK! Get out of my way, you jackass! Goddamn it, can't the other drivers see I'm trying to write a review, drink hot tea, and merge onto the expressway at the same time? Shee-it!

shiny dr. teeth tooth

Review by Charleston

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