Segura Viudas Aria

So you're looking for a champagne to accompany your fun-ass motherfucker lifestyle? Look no further than Aria, a sweet, smooth, bubbly cava that tickles the tongue and leaves a smile on your face every time.

At around $12 a bottle, it's perfect for those evenings when you want to stumble through the streets like a 70s rock star or an "Absolutely Fabulous" stunt double, a bottle of champagne in each fist. You can easily justify such behavior at such a price. I mean, come on, especially on weeknights, you can't really be swilling Veuve Clicquot like it's going out of style. Trust me. That'll only wreck your workmornings and leave your wallet thin and lonely.

As it says on the bottle, Aria works for any occasion: intimate dinners with the one you love, parties with your posse, or just putting the baby to sleep – deep sleep.

It's a party in a bottle, delicious as ginger ale but far more fun. No self-respecting fun-ass motherfucker or functioning alcoholic should be without it. In my house it's as much of a staple as butter or handcuffs.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by One Fun-Ass Motherfucker

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