Stewart's Original Cherries N' Cream

When the first sensation I get upon drinking a beverage is akin to chugging Robitussin cough medicine, that's never good. Yet that's exactly what my first swig of Cherries n' Cream tasted like.

Almost painfully sweet, like all the other Stewart's sodas, C N' C (no, not the Music Factory) misses the mark for me and my 'buds (that's tastebuds to you, Boomer). If the only other choices were tonic water and Canfield's Diet Peanut Chocolate Fudge, I'd go with it, but otherwise, I'll pass.

I will, however, continue to support the magazine Cherries N' Cream, which for some reason I can only find at seedier convenience stores.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Mario Speedwagon

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