Stewart's Original Creamy Style Draft Cola

Stewart's just can't seem to make a normal straight-ahead soda, displaying a pretty unhealthy infatuation with "creamy" sodas. Creamy Style Draft Cola is just one of a shitload of Stewart's sodas that are "Something-or-Other & Cream." I wouldn't be surprised if they had Stewart's Extra Fancy Style Creamy Cream and Cream.

The Creamy Cola is OK, with a strong suggestion of … yes … cream, but it's fortunately not overwhelming. It is much sweeter and smoother than a Coke or Pepsi, and gets definite points for sheer uniqueness. I just don't think that I could really make a habit of drinking it … I kind of like my teeth.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Mario Speedwagon

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