Ultra Slim Fast – French Vanilla

Ultra Slim Fast is a great weight-loss product, but it's also sensible purely as nutrition. Now that I've slimmed down from 18,000 pounds to 10 pounds, I hardly need to drink these faux-shakes to keep in shape and feel great. But I often drink one for breakfast, because it's nutritionally well rounded, and easy for on-the-go movers-and-shakers like myself.

French Vanilla is the choicest Slim Fast flavor by far. Smooth and delicious, full of vitamins and protein, and packed with the energy I need to get going in the morning.

Incidentally, if you're wondering how I lost 17,990 pounds, it's simple: I had two of my dimensions removed, so that now I am merely a photographic image.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Linda Long

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