LMP says:
Arrrgh, mateys.
With the recent equipment theft from Shiny Vibes, we hope this is just another test trial w/ good news finally waiting on
the mountain's other side. Either way, giving up music and moving to
Allegheny continues to tempt. Needless to say, these recent events have pushed back the release of the
Centurybox yet again, which is nearly sold out, we might add.
Sitting on the 'cautiously optimistic' side of the fence, we're still expecting everything to work out for the best.
That said, Thomas & co. are preparing themselves w/ the forthcoming 'Love Conquers Alda', which
the band humbly believes to be a friggin' monstrous pop album.
Polyholiday should be releasing details soon.
It's all about the Songs, yes yes,
of which, we will fearlessly take anybody on head-to-head in a songwriting challenge (sans possibly
Ron Sexsmith).
And speaking of which, his song One Grey Morning has quickly become even more of a favorite.
Astoundingly resonant.