The Loud Bassoon

American Pie 2: Back to the Fucking Pie (2001)
Directed by James B. Rogers
Written by Adam Herz & David H. Steinberg

Can't get enough of Jim, Stifler, Oz, Kevin, Finch, and the gang partying and plotting for pussy, encountering embarrassing sexual obstacles and, like, getting peed on? Want to know what would happen if they all rented a beach house together? Wondering what the infamous "band camp" is like, and what kind of antics might happen there? Need another fix of sexy foreign exchange student Nadia? Looking for a more convenient way to hear overplayed alt-pop songs than, like, listening to the radio? Simply want to watch American Pie again, but with slightly different and categorically lesser jokes?

Great, have fun with it. I can get enough, and already did, about 15 minutes into the first one.

1 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Farting Dracula

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