The Loud Bassoon

Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the Story of Smile (2004)
Directed by David Leaf

This good-natured straight-to-Showtime chronicle of Brian Wilson's strange journey to completing Smile is probably better for viewers who are completely unfamiliar with the subject. Though there's plenty of great footage, music, and interviews to keep a Beach Boys aficionado entertained, the film plays sort of like an NPR profile "introducing" Smile to the masses. The rehash factor is high in terms of tired old Smile lore.

The second part of the film fares better than the first half, which focuses on setting up the context (utilizing familiar—that is, hoary—words of effusive praise from George Martin, Elvis Costello, etc). The latter part concentrates on Wilson's unexpected decision to stage Smile with his live band in 2004, and subsequently to actually release the album (a new recording of it, anyway). This footage is substantially more candid and charming, catching Brian in a variety of "vibrations" and revealing the process of assailing Smile as not having been that difficult after all.

Anyone interested in Smile should see the film, though be forewarned that it's really geared for people who have never even heard of Smile, much less sat through four hours of bootlegged outtakes, as I have been doing all day.

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Review by Mr. Benefits

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