The Loud Bassoon

Blue Crush (2002)
Directed by John Stockwell
Written by John Stockwell & Lizzy Weiss

You'd think that a movie whose opening credits include "Based on the magazine article Surf Girls of Maui" would be mindless entertainment through and through. And this is what Blue Crush ought to be: like 70 minutes of camera-splashing surf footage and lingering shots of oiled hardbodies.

However, much to the viewer's dismay, the film has so goddamn much plot. It drags on for just shy of two hours with a love story, a "townie girl with big dreams" story, an "estranged sisters" story, a "maternal abandonment" story, and several more underdeveloped subplots and/or attempts at comic relief.

It's like they couldn't figure out whether they wanted to make Endless Summer, Rudy, Crossroads, or just a long-form music video.

I kind of just wanted the long-form music video. After awhile, even the surf scenes can't salvage the big drag of it all. So if you're looking for X-Treme thrills, look elsewhere. Blue Crush is X-Tremely boring.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Jenkino

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