The Loud Bassoon

Boogeyman (2005)
Directed by Stephen T. Kay
Written by Eric Kripke, Juliet Snowden, & Stiles White

A horror movie literally about the Boogeyman is as patently unnecessary as a biopic about Jack & Jill, or a TV cooking show about Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, or an arcade version of Tic-Tac-Toe. Some topics are just too elemental to be "spun afresh" without coming off as damn silly.

That said, should you happen to find yourself in such a film, a few words of advice. If your boyfriend, as an adult, is still scared of "the Boogeyman," even if he has legitimate reason to be, and even if he is hunky, handsome Barry Watson … dump him.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Miss Menopause

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