The Loud Bassoon

Bottoms Up (2006)
Directed by Nick Ballo
Written by Nick Ballo & Erik MacArthur

Although watching this movie ranked among the longest 85 minutes of my life (including a botched wisdom teeth-removal experience and being raped at length by Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway's wife), I didn't particularly fault Bottom's Up for being excruciatingly bad. It's one of the rare movies where, despite the terribleness, you still sort of root for it because its heart is in the right place. Everyone involved (with the exception of Kevin Smith, who should just go away) deserved better.

Jason Mewes does a variation of "stoner Jay" here, as a slacker dude who goes to L.A. for … well, I'm not sure what for, exactly … but he ends up trying to win the affections of celebutante Paris Hilton (playing a variation on herself). Amazingly, both Mewes and Hilton are very appealing and have genuine chemistry. Unfortunately, this wasn't the movie to showcase that. Someone should write the Natural Born Killers for these two, which could conceivably capitalize on their true potential. I'm serious!

In spite of the shit script, I found the experience at once lamentable and watchable … I just wish Mewes and Hilton would try harder. Maybe it's up to someone to give them good material, and they could be the William Powell and Myrna Loy of our era. Or maybe I've just had too many whiskey shots. Well … "bottom's up!"

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