As an actual slasher flick, it's on par with Sleepaway Camp 2, though with nowhere near the caché … in tone, it has more in common with April Fool's Day, but with none of the subtlety. If it's a spoof, I'll hand it to the creators that they certainly have all their clichés in place, but really, if you're just lazily employing the same clichés that marked the genre you're sending up, you're not actually creating comedy, you're just making another lame-ass slasher flick. If anything, Club Dread is for stoner frat boys who want to laugh in derision at "how bad those 80s horror movies were." Maybe they were, but you're worse by far, fratfuckers. I only laughed once, and that was at a spit-take. But overall, the film wasn't substantial enough to even bother getting mad at … with such a high pointlessness factor, expending the energy to criticize it only conveys the idea that something of controversial value has been accomplished. Club Dread is about as controversial as intentionally farting really loud. Review by |
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