The Loud Bassoon

Dahmer (2002)

Written and directed by David Jacobson

While Dahmer is not technically bad in any way, it is still rather overwhelmingly pointless. Without exception, every person to whom I have mentioned seeing this movie has asked me "Why?"

And I don't have an answer. I guess I wanted to see some grisly murders or something. But Dahmer concentrates on presenting the serial killer as a character, trying to offer a broad analysis of the blank soul who was, while almost irritatingly benign in so many respects, capable of so much killin' and flesheatin'.

It's well-acted, though Jeremy Renner's Dahmer, in "normal" mode, could be a sidekick in a Bob & Doug MacKenzie movie (and should, come to think of it). And Bruce Davison, as Dahmer's father, struggles to make a lot more of the role than is really called for. Though I'm sure it was some kind of coup for the director to get BRUCE DAVISON into his low-budget indie flick. Perhaps Davison owed him money.

Wait a minute, I got a little wrapped up there in the notion that Bruce Davison is extremely famous. I think I'm just looking for things to talk about. Really, I am disappointed in the lack of vivisection and flesheatin', as I am with most films.

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Review by Polly Tarnish

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