The Loud Bassoon

Daredevil (2003)
Directed by Mark Steven Johnson
Written by Brian Helgeland

A dark, "adult" superhero movie about a lawyer-by-day, vigilante-by-night (Ben Affleck) that tries to be a lot more important than it is, Daredevil is extremely violent (not the good "xtreme"), has little to no sense of humor, and is numbingly boring.

The pale storyline is your average tortured blind anti-superhero tale of personal revenge, with the idiotic twist that the hero only finds out about his father's murderer by complete accident. Affleck all but sends in a cardboard cutout, so that he has time to calculate his profit points, thereby leaving the film up to the supporting players, who are mercifully decent.

Jennifer Garner plays the barely-clothed love interest with spunk, a pretty smile, and 3-D cleavage aplenty. Michael Clarke Duncan does his giant black best as Kingpin. Colin Farrell brings a much-needed sense of energy and fun to the movie as the anything-throwing Bullseye. And Jon Favreau makes funny faces to get noticed as Affleck's moderately amusing sidekick.

Those looking to be spectacularized should look elsewhere, as most of the movie is filmed in near darkness, and the special effects are often laughably bad.

And might I add that it's time for action movies to stop choreographing its fight scenes on wires. Daredevil is not superhuman, he just has super senses. There's no reason for him to be able to suspend in the air during battle, or to jump impossible distances from building to building, other than someone thought it looked "exciting." The wire fight scenes only work when there's an explanation or reason for the artifice, as in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon or Regarding Henry. In this movie, they just made me angry.

Spend your "mad money" elsewhere. I beg you.

1 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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