The Loud Bassoon

Dog Soldiers (2002)
Written & Directed by Neil Marshall

Couple years back, I was certain that werewolf movies would come back into vogue. I was right, but boy was I wrong. With the French piece of merde Brotherhood of the Wolf, and now Dog Soldiers, let us all pray that the werewolf movie revival gets its silver bullet to the head as soon as inhumanly possible.

Dog Soldiers tries to be a "Werewolf Movie Plus™"—a bunch of British special ops soldiers on a training mission who get attacked by a pack of werewolves—thereby ripping off Predator and Aliens. But Dog Soldiers doesn't have the ingenuity or style of Aliens, nor any of the Carl Weathers of Predator.

It's not worth spending many words on. This is a slow, boring, tiresome movie filled with tired clichés about honor and loyalty, with several twists that are either painfully obvious or painfully stupid. Add to that bad acting, not nearly enough gore, and what you have is a two-hour horror movie with about five minutes of value.

1 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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