The Loud Bassoon

Down With Love (2003)
Directed by Peyton Reed
Written by Eve Ahlert and Dennis Drake

Much ballyhoo was made of Down With Love being a rehash of the old Doris Day-Rock Hudson movies, and how it failed to match the originals' charm and intelligence. Having never seen any mopic released prior to Gremlins 2, I can't comment on fusty old movies actually shot on film. I can, however, comment on Down With Love, having seen it with my own two eyes in a moviola parlor.

And you know what, I really enjoyed it. Down With Love seems more like a postmodern Valentine to those old movies than an outright remake, tongue firmly planted in cheek. That said, it's not campy, but un-ironically and unpretentiously sweet, firmly romantic in the classic tradition, and often magnificently preposterous in a way that only movies can really accomplish (trust me, being magnificently preposterous at the office just creates more paperwork).

The plot revolves around society womanizer and star journalist Catcher Block (Ewan McGregor) and his attempts to cause anti-love author Debra Novack (Renee Zellweger) to fall in love with him. David Hyde-Pierce offers his deft comic support as Block's effeminate best friend and editor. But the plot takes an overall backseat to the eye-candy set design, clever direction, and witty dialogue.

Like all romantic comedies, we know without question that the arch-rival leads have to end up together, but unlike most recent romantic comedies, the proceedings are cheery and fun, not tedious and hateful. There's not even a semblance of an iota of an attempt at realism, and thank God. The characters in Down With Love, almost all writers by profession, are uniformly sexy, dashing, and stylish. All the writers I know are socially awkward, and even with day jobs can hardly afford one nice bespoke suit, let alone dozens.

Afterwards, you will likely forget the movie, but it won't be with a bad taste in your mouth, more likely the taste of your date's mouth. If you don't get some action thanks to Down With Love, you must be down with some kind of STD.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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