The Loud Bassoon

The Forgotten (2004)
Directed by Joseph Ruben
Written by Gerald Di Pego

They must have "forgotten" to put in the overpromised "shocking twist" in this half-baked Shyamalan-styled thriller that is little more than a glorified final-season "X-Files" episode. Julianne Moore is a grieving mom who seems to be insane, since the son she mourns is claimed never to have existed by everyone from her therapist (Gary Sinise) to her husband (Anthony Edwards).

It plays the "Is she crazy, or is he the sanest person here" game fairly well for awhile, but once it becomes clear that the kid was actually abducted by aliens (don't worry, you should see it coming about five minutes in), the movie becomes just plain silly.

Apart from one good special effect (which is used too many times), I've "forgotten" nearly everything about this film, just two days later. Some movies should just be trailers.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Sweet Earl

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