The Loud Bassoon

Gacy (2003)
Directed by Clive Saunders
Written by David Birke & Clive Saunders

If Lifetime made movies about serial killers, they'd probably be a lot like Gacy. Tedious, shallow, and melodramatic, this film stinks up the world like Gacy's crawlspace graveyard at its decompositional peak.

Mark Holton (Francis from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure) is well cast as Gacy, but come on, there's a reason it wasn't Francis's Big Adventure. The script tries to get to some kind of depth of understanding, but ends up being a series of patchy scenes that all come off like those dramatization sequences they do on "America's Most Wanted."

I'm not sure why I keep renting these serial killer movies, 'cause they're never good. But even my parole officer agrees it's a more constructive use of my time than killing more kids.

1 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Regina Tourniquet

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