The Loud Bassoon

Get Well Soon (2001)

Directed by Justin McCarthy & James Merendino
Written by Justin McCarthy

I hope Vincent Gallo is as confused as I am as to what he's doing in a screwball romantic comedy with Courtney Cox—of course, he's quite funny in it, but the whole thing is just all wrong.

Gallo plays a Leno-esque talk show host trying to win back his ex, while a group of mental patients serves as a "madcap" Greek chorus to the events that transpire. It's a ridiculous mess, a very poor man's King of Comedy, and a massive question mark in Gallo's cred.

Fortunately, you forget you even saw the movie about five minutes after it ends, so no harm done, really.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Polly Tarnish

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