Gothika (2003) Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz Written by Sebastian Gutierrez
A criminal psychiatrist (Halle Berry) wakes up in her own mental ward, charged with murdering her husband (Charles S. Dutton) though she has no memory of the events, and is harangued by haunting visions of a dead girl. With the odds stacked impossibly against her, she struggles to prove her innocence to her case-worker (Robert Donwey, Jr.) and everyone else, fortunately doing so with the help of the ghostly visions, who lead her to the evidence of her husband murdering the dead girl, and the complicity of the local sheriff (John Carroll Lynch, Drew Carey's cross-dressing brother from "The Drew Carey Show").Oops, gave away the movie. Ah, fuck it, you're not missing anything. Watch The Ring or The Eye instead; those cover the same ground in a much cooler way. Penelope Cruz is in this for no reason that I could detect (granted, I was watching it in the background while writing letters to my adopted child in Namibia). As for John Carroll Lynch, I guess someone needed to step into John Lithgow's shoes for this kind of shit.
  Loud Bassoon rating scale
Review by La Fée |