The Loud Bassoon

The Hours (2002)
Directed by Stephen Daldry
Written by David Hare

Bunch of top-notch women actors making impassioned speeches about life and what it's like to be a woman. Based on a book about Virginia Woolf writing a book, a woman reading her book, and a woman who may or may not be the character in the book Mrs. Dalloway.

A bit pretentious and morose.

Good musical score by Philip Glass.

Claire Danes looks really cute, but no nudity.

Did I mention good acting? Sometimes I thought we were watching a James Lipton fetish video.

Tried once to read a Woolf book and couldn't get through the first page. Does that make me stupid? Or very, very smart?

Really liked this film walking out of the theater. Almost completely forgot about it once we hit the parking lot.

But hey, good acting.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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