The Loud Bassoon

Identity (2003)
Directed by James Mangold
Written by Michael Cooney & James Mangold

Very nice, twisty little thriller that takes a shopworn scenario and spins it on its ear. Ten supposed strangers end up at a crappy old roadside motel thanks to a bad ole storm. Oh, stormy, why you so bad? We ain't done nuttin' to make you so mad. Why you always so angry?

Then there's the dying and trying: people start dying, and you start trying to figure out what's going on.

Even if you do figure it out (and I had several theories, among them the final solution, this one a lot cooler than the Nazi version), it's well worth the wait. And despite only having one ending, it's still waaaay better than Clue.

Excellent acting all around (even Jake Busey), suspenseful direction, and Amanda Peet soaking wet from head to toe. Alfred Molina, cleverly reprising his role as Satipo from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, added weight to the wonderment.

So go get your identity … at the movies! It's where I got mine.

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Review by Crimedog


No way. The concept of this movie would barely sustain an episode of the Forest Whitaker "Twilight Zone" series. The surprise twist is very, very good, but the rest of it plays like a TNT knockoff of Memento. The ending is especially prepsterous. And besides, no film with Amanda Peet deserves to even be made, much less watched.

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Review by La Fée

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