The Loud Bassoon

Killer Nun (1978)
aka Suor Omicidi
Directed by Giulio Berruti
Written by Giulio Berruti & Alberto Tarallo

Killer Nun? This one was pretty much a home-run even before I watched it. Though it doesn't quite live up to the promise of that wonderful title, KN is still a nicely twisted bit of nun funnery.

Morphine-addicted nurse Sister Gertrude (Anita Ekberg, seriously on the decline) will do anything for her next fix, and without it, she's losing her temper with the (mostly elderly) patients in her charge. So when patients start getting graphically tortured and killed, she's the prime suspect!

Or is the killer nun the dejected (and usually fully nude) lesbian nun whose lusty advances Sister Gertrude always turns to humiliation? It's up to newly-hired doctor Joe Dallesandro to find out! If he can live long enough!

This cheap Italian-made piece of trash (the movie, I mean, not Joe Dallesandro) has a few boring passages, and while the crazy violence and sex isn't all that over-the-top, there are still many wonderfully ill-conceived, ill-considered, and illogical moments to behold (including a particularly great sequence wherein Gertrude, out of the blue, ventures into the city for some drinking, smoking, and casual sex). The last bit turns into some kind of bizarro-world "Murder She Wrote," for the better.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Princess Poopagain

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