The Loud Bassoon

Legend (1985)
Directed by Ridley Scott
William Hjortsberg

Excruciating, unbearable, over-wrought, nonsensical, headache-inducing fantasy film.

Having not seen the theatrical release, I can only comment on the "director's cut," which is as pleasant as another "director's cut" I received 8 days out of the womb—when the foreskin was wrenched from penis.

All the "good" characters have glitter on their skin and speak in reverent whispers. The "evil" characters have slime on them.

If you like glitter and whispers and unicorns and fairies, this is the movie for you.

Otherwise, you'll vomit your way through most of it. And not glamorous vomiting like a bulimic supermodel, more like a cat throwing up worms.

this shit blows

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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