It's not so much that Lords of Dogtown was unwarranted, or even that it's bad – it's just that it should be a lot cooler than it is. Perhaps the constraints of a PG-13 rating resulted in the overly airbrushed treatment of the story, but even the "unrated" DVD version plays more like a theme-park ride than the degenerate haze the real Z-Boys undoubtedly lived through. Heath Ledger is great, director Catherine Hardwicke gets the details right, and the cameo-crazed casting will surely please skateboard aficionados and/or pop culture whores. But the script and performances are pure afterschool-special (kids from broken homes discover extreme skateboarding, rise to fame, experience the carefully-cued downfall, and rediscover the meaning of "friendship"). Given that Dogtown and Z-Boys told exactly the same story, Lords of Dogtown really needed to be more of a decadent, Boogie Nights kind of thing than, like, an episode of "Instant Star." Review by |
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