The Loud Bassoon

Monster-In-Law (2005)
Directed by Robert Luketic
Written by Anya Kochoff

I realized something quite unexpected about myself by watching this broad, paint-by-numbers romantic comedy:

I like Jennifer Lopez movies!

I know they're not very good, but I always seem to enjoy them. They're like fairy tales!

While Monster-in-Law has the unfortunate predicament of Jane Fonda chewing her way through virtually every scene, the scales are balanced by Wanda Sykes serving up sassy one-liners at Fonda, and, in the climactic showdown, Elaine Stritch (fortunately wearing pants) showing up to deliver some real zingers.

Through it all, J-Lo sticks to her guns, follows her heart, and never gives up. So should we all!

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Buck Bernardo

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