The Loud Bassoon

Mr. Mom (1983)
Directed by Stan Dragoti
Written by John Hughes

Caught Mr. Mom on a tiny 12-inch TV at a friend's place when stopping by to check on his cat. Ended up watching the whole thing, start to finish, with zero guilt. I expected it to be creaky, but it holds up quite well, comedically, emotionally and structurally.

Michael Keaton is great, begging the question, what the shit happened to his career? He was like the biggest star of the 80s, and now literally cannot get his pool cleaner to return calls. Was he that much of an asshole? Hard to believe, based on such a winning performance.

Teri Garr's equally adorable in a mom-ish way … like a real mom, not the "hot movie mom" stereotype proliferating these days. You actually believe that this is an actual couple with actual money problems, not just two glamorous superstars thrust together because they banter well.

Martin Mull is reliably smarmy as Garr's over-privileged boss, before we all got tired of Martin Mull. It's funny how movies cycle through actors who play the stock comedic heavy – from Mull, to Jeffrey Jones, to Christopher MacDonald and Bradley Whitford. And yet, the role is always exactly the same. Here's to lazy writing. I'm a big fan of the practice myself.

Though still genuinely funny, the film is amusingly out of date. The cheesy soundtrack is at times laughable. As are the giant sedans everyone drives. And the surprisingly zaftig Ann Jillian as a sexpot neighbor trying to get her talons into Keaton?

None of it detracts from the story, or the sincere laughs. Though it is fun to laugh at how people in every era prior to today were so ridiculous. Surely no one will ever poke fun at us.

All in all, well worth a wasted afternoon. I'd say if any 80s comedy were ripe for a remake, Mr. Mom's it. Granted, the remake will be utterly god-awful, and probably star Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey, but without shitty remakes, future generations would have nothing to mock. Now if you'll excuse me, I have my spinning class.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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