![]() One Woman or Two (1985) And you will ponder, as I did, what in God's name could have brought together such a powerhouse ensemble. Was there a raffle wherein 10,000 celebrity names were put into a giant hat, and the three names drawn were compelled to make a film together? And you may even think to yourself, as I did, "Oh man, this is gonna be so hilariously bad." But please—PLEASE—O innocent one: do not, as I did, actually rent the fuckin' thing. And should you make that mistake, as I did, do not, even if you have unlimited alcohol at your disposal, actually watch the fucking thing. For this movie is HORSESHIT! Depardieu plays an anthropologist who discovers the fossilized skeleton of the first known Frenchwoman. Weaver is some kind of advertising executive and/or model who, besides being stalked in a completely unnecessary and unfunny subplot, tries to alchemize some kind of high-fashion homonid chic by using the fossil in a perfume ad. And Dr. Ruth, uncharacteristically, does not play herself, but rather an anthropology expert who may endow Depardieu with a generous foundation grant. If you think you may find the sight of Gérard Depardieu lifting Dr. Ruth Westheimer up and sitting her down on a hotel concierge desk to be in any way hilarious, then you might find some amusement in this. But you'd be wrong, as I was.
Review by La Fée |
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