The Loud Bassoon

Psycho (1998)
Directed by Gus Van Sant
Written by Joseph Stefano

I was never a huge fan of the original, but was looking forward to the remake, thinking it could be amusing. The postmodern irony is played out once the shower scene ends, and as with the original, the energy dies completely, as did my interest.

Anne Heche is the best thing about the film, while the woefully miscast Vince Vaughn is edgy but mostly unintentionally funny as Norman Bates. It's not Julianne Moore's finest hour, certainly. William H. Macy is good as usual.

Forgettable supporting roles are filled with recognizable faces to fight off the boredom. The gimmick wears thin, the new scenes are preposterous, and I became utterly convinced that Hitchcock never should have killed off Marion Crane.

The mMost interesting and potentially tragic moment during screening was when, about three minutes after the shower scene, a woman had an epileptic seizure and the film was halted and paramedics were brought in. The guy behind me said his friend worked on the film and claimed they used strobes during the filming of that scene, and had joked on the set that it would cause epileptic seizures.

Mind you, this wasn't a funny moment, but an interesting and unnerving moment. It also broke what I thought was the increasing tension of the film, which may have greatly affected my final opinion.

The following night at another screening, the guy who was behind us in Psycho was sitting right next to us. Stallll-ker!

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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