The Loud Bassoon

Shanghai Knights (2003)
Directed by David Dobkin
Written by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar

Pretty much exactly what you'd expect: an amusing, entertaining sequel to an amusing, entertaining movie.

Though it's set in I think 1899, the movie is wonderfully, unapologetically anachronistic. The skeletal plot takes a happy backseat to the comic interplay between Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson, pretty much playing Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson, but playing them well. They crack jokes, get into preposterous situations, and fight off bad guys with a mixture of kung-fu and "kung-who?"

Most of the movie will cause you to smile, some of it will cause you to yell "Holy smokes!," and some of it will even cause you to laugh very hard.

A rare treat at the movies lately: a clever and fun good time.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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