The Loud Bassoon

She-Wolf of London (1946)
Directed by Jean Yarbrough
Written by Dwight V. Babcock & George Bricker

I'm all for feminism, but I was at a loss to find any value, inherent or "meta," in She-Wolf of London, certainly the least of Universal's monster movies.

There's not even any real werewolf action! The plot is a mishmosh of romance and lame mystery, resolving itself in the supposed "she-wolf" (June Lockhart) having been framed by her mother for no apparent reason.

I could probably go on for hours trying to dissect the extremely mixed social messages implicated by this film … but I'd rather forget I bothered to watch this rather mind-numbing excursion.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by La Fée of London

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