The Loud Bassoon

SWAT (2003)
Directed by Clark Johnson
Written by David Ayer, David McKenna, Ron Mita, Jim McClain, & Robert Hamner

I had a sneaking suspicion that SWAT would be a totally satisfying popcorn thriller, and I was right. It hits all the expected buttons in no unusual ways, but delivers what you really want: super-cocky characters being cocky the entire time, casual wisecracks in tense situations, an intriguing villain, a contentious superior officer providing unnecessary obstacles to the loose-cannon crew he distrusts, and limitless amounts of gunfire, bloodshed, and shit blowing up.

It helps that the cast is so attractive and well-suited to this kind of thing: Samuel L. Jackson seems like he actually cares about the role, for once; Colin Farrell is believable and unshakeably confident, Michelle Rodriguez once again kicks ass the whole time, and LL Cool J provides a cool lightheartedness. Even Josh Charles comes across as a capable ass-kicker!

The predictability factor is high, but the movie careens along from one big-bang setpiece to another, leaving you little room to argue. I am comforted by how much I enjoyed myself, as this is evidence that, despite my proclivity for geekfodder like Rushmore, I have a strong testosteroney side that just wants to see cool weapons, tough-looking police outfits, car chases, and explosions. Maybe I'm not gay after all!

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Gardyloo Gully

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