The Loud Bassoon

The Whale Rider (2002)
Written and directed by Niki Caro

Although there's very little actual riding of whales in this film, Whale Rider is beautiful, heartfelt, well-shot and brilliantly acted, and infused with a sense of history and mystery and sistery one doesn't often see in films these days. The story follows members of a fading tribe on the remote shores of New Zealand, and the struggle to find a balance between the traditions of old yore and the demands of new yore.

This struggle is crystallized by the birth of a girl named Paikea when what everyone really wanted was a young boy they could train to lead them into the future. Paikea, however, won't be held back by old-school sexism, and soon she's trying on clothes at the mall to the tune of "I'm So Excited," looking to her flamboyantly gay black friend for a thumbs up or down so she knows what to wear to the annual Whale Rider Dance.

Perhaps you'll see a slightly different version of the film than I describe (what with all the special editions floating around), but don't let that stop you. With or without imaginary shopping montages to spruce it up, Whale Rider is a lyrical and utterly sweet film.

Not to mention I haven't seen whale effects this good since the last Rodney Dangerfield movie. Hey, whaddaya expect, did you pay to read this review?

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Crimedog

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