mandarin beauty

Mandarin Beauty
2218 East Navajo Blvd, Holbrook, AZ, USA

Ever have one of those days where your entire life falls apart, you lose everything, and find yourself hitting the open road with no plan, no prospects, and no foreseeable future? To some, this situation is an insurmountable and hopeless setback. To me, it's a golden opportunity to get Chinese food!

Allow me to backtrack.

Leaving L.A. after the failure of my business was bittersweet; of course I was disappointed, but at the same time I couldn't really argue that the Museum Of Jonathan Brandis would last forever.

the museum of jonathan brandis

Hell, even Jonathan Brandis himself didn't last forever. So there I was, heading east with just a suitcase and a trunkful of Jonathan Brandis memorabilia, thinking maybe I could make a go of it in Danbury, Connecticut, aka the Birthplace of Jonathan Brandis.

mandarin beauty

Having passed up the opportunity to go stand on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, I decided to spend the night in Holbrook, in honor of John Holbrook, the "C" camera operator on one of Jonathan Brandis's last movies, Bad Girls From Valley High. It was in Holbrook that I encountered Mandarin Beauty, a classic old-school Chinese place that fortunately turned out to be very good, since there were almost no other places to eat there!

mandarin beauty kung pao chicken

Kung Pao Chicken and an egg roll, $11.29. This was far better than expected, and quite a nice treat after eight hours on the road. I took it back to the Days Inn and ate it in silence, thinking about the future of Jonathan Brandis.

Review by Wimpempy Tarlisle, May 2018