Goetze's "Original" Caramel Creams For awhile earlier this year I was quite obsessed with Goetze's Caramel Creams, a passing fancy that was greatly encouraged by their curiously comprehensive website. Goetze Candy has been making these ubiquitous caramels for more than a century, and if you haven't had one by now, you most certainly will have a chance over the course of the next century as well. These are the caramels with the creamy frosting/shortening center, available in bulk candy stores as well as packaged in little 8 or 10 packs.
They are actually not very good, but they are incredibly addictive anyway. The caramel portion is dry and rubbery, and the cream center portion makes you very thirsty. But I have to give them points for sheer compulsive-eating value. As for why they need to put quotes around "original," I have no idea. Perhaps they are being sarcastic.
Review by Isolationism J. Gashed |