Milky Way Midnight

As far as I can tell, this is Milky Way Dark with a new name. Not sure what the marketing plan is behind that reasonably arbitrary change, but I guess it's working since I bothered to buy one. On the other hand, I was specifically looking for candy to review, and was intrigued by the name. I'm not sure if M&M Mars can count on thousands of people in a similar situation, unless there are a lot more candy reviewers out there.

I was initially concerned with the protocol regarding whether I was supposed to eat this only at midnight, but I finally decided that 6:30pm was okay, and nothing bad happened outside of the weight gain, but that might have been accounted for by the 300 Milky Way Midnights I consumed to ensure a thorough and accurate review. Anyway, it's a good candy bar, with caramel and creamy nougat encased in dark chocolate. Not an overly glorious or brilliantly subtle creation, but it's still a very noshy little bar.

I suppose I should be a little concerned that outside of candy, Mars, Inc. primarily makes pet food, but I will not let myself be concerned with that.

Review by Dora Donatello