Pringle's Restaurant Cravers – Onion Blossom

You know those nights where you can't decide whether to eat an entire tube of Pringles or to go out to the Outback Steakhouse and eat an entire "Bloomin' Onion?" Or, perhaps more commonly, those nights where you simply need to do both? Well, fattykins, Pringles has solved your unlikely dilemma. Restaurant Cravers are here to give you all the deep-fried flavor of your favorite chain restaurant appetizers, with all the duck-billed fun (?) of your favorite Pringles.

Actually, moving beyond the knee-jerk cynicism for a moment, I have to say that for what it's worth, Pringles has fully succeeded in their somewhat baffling aim here. They wanted to make Pringles that tasted like a deep-fried onion blossom, and they have. Almost unnervingly so.

In fact, when I finished the can, I actually tipped my girlfriend, whom in my carbo-coma I mistook for a server at T.G.I. Friday's … which I don't blame myself too much for, seeing as she was wearing a T.G.I. Friday's uniform complete with about sixty pinbacks. Don't ask, it's a role-playing thing.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Gordan Boozie