The Loud Bassoon

(4AD 5003 CDK)

In retrospect, the Super-Connected single is about where I began to recover from my Belly rabies, and while I continued to collect all of their numerous and variant EPs, it's plain to see that the band really had run its course by this point. I was surprised when they broke up, but I oughtn't have been.

"Super-Connected" was a fine single, but very much a retread of "Feed the Tree" and "Now They'll Sleep" … a bit too predictable and Tanya-by-numbers, to be honest. The requisite three b-sides, "Spaceman," "Diamond Rib Cage," and "Think About Your Troubles," are as unmemorable as they come … pleasant enough to my ears while they're playing, but gone into the ether once the disc stops spinning.

That said, the old Belly CD-singles still have some special magic in store for me, and probably always will. As my box of baseball cards never fails to rekindle my elementary school days, the Belly singles, with their gorgeously vague packaging and pockets of private-pleasure songs, bring me straight back to my college years … the good moments of 'em, anyway.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Bobo Dylane

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