The Loud Bassoon

Chet Baker
Embraceable You
(Pacific Jazz/Capitol Records 31676)

So you have Let's Get Lost: The Best of Chet Baker Sings and you're looking for more of that cool, breezy, melty voice? This is the disc. Take it from me; I'm the sucker who has scoured the hundreds of other Chet Baker CD's in the same pursuit only to find a whole lot of mushmouth misery. Truth be told, ol' Chet did not record all that much great music, particularly great vocal music, so if that's what you're after, here it is.

Compared to the other collection, this is clearly second-tier stuff, but it's innocuous and enjoyable, and only slightly mushmouthed. "Little Girl Blue," "The Night We Called it a Day," and the title track make it worth your money, and the rest of it goes down smooth like a snifter of good brandy. Or at least how I imagine a snifter of brandy to go; I've never had one, and in fact I don't quite know what a snifter is, nor whether it is actually a word.

This disc is sort of like Chet Baker doing Billie Holiday karaoke-style, but it's still Chet Baker, and he had most of his teeth at this point.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Gregory Grogs

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