The Loud Bassoon

Cocteau Twins
Iceblink Luck
(Capitol/4AD 15775)

Few things as instantly conjure the naïve and sparkly vibe of 1990 for me like "Iceblink Luck," arguably the definitive golden-era sound of "120 Minutes." Jangly, sprightly guitars, alterna-bass lines, floaty female vocals, and a tranquil, extraterrestrial feel that seems like pop music, yet is so from another planet. It's the Cocteau's "Smells Like Teen Spirit," for better or worse … the track that will either suck you permanently into the Sarlacc pit of Cocteau devotion or send you screaming away from the sail barge.

Ug, I'm clearly running on empty with a metaphor like that. Anyway, the single has two similarly pretty b-sides, quite nice and comfy, though no particular darkness or edge at this point in the band's career. "Mizake the Mizan" sounds like Enya collaborating with Low-era Bowie (side B, mainly), while "Watchlar" nearly teeters into Lisa Stansfield territory. Not a bad thing, mind you.

Chalk another good one up for the Cocteau Twins, although you sort of start wishing they'd have thrown on a cover of, like, "Rhinestone Cowboy" or something, just to mix things up.

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies5 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Frida Flöe

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