The Loud Bassoon

50 Foot Wave
50 Foot Wave
(Throwing Music 001)

Kristin Hersh dispenses with all the cryptic craziness and just rocks the fuck out with her new band. 50 Foot Wave is almost desperately described as not being Throwing Muses, but the surprising thing is that's actually true. As Bob Mould reinvented himself with Sugar, Kristin Hersh has found a vehicle for her music that breaks from the burden of the past without losing the essential core of what made her interesting in the first place.

Now, how relevant this music is now is questionable. I suspect Ms. Hersh got tired of hearing the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and wanted to reassert herself, which is kind of pathetic. But the music is great, full of punky energy and absolutely wailing vocals (though much more melodic than the YYY's).

The EP reminds me of those Wire Read & Burn releases from a couple years back, doing a good job of getting the point across that the artist never lost it. With Kristin Hersh, that's up for debate, as any trip to a used CD shop will show you. But with ass-kicking anthems like "Dog Days" and the flagrantly Pixies-like "Clara Bow," 50 Foot Wave at least dodges the question and forces you to see that however the past went down, she's got it now, tighter, louder, and angrier than ever.

It's easily the most impressive record she's done in a long time, possibly ever. It literally slaps the "Who cares" out of your mind with a Gibson headstock to the side of the head, full force. I have to respect any record that demands attention in such a way.

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Review by JJ Cleaners

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