The most irresistably luscious song from Goldfrapp's decadent Black Cherry disc is its best single, and this EP offers nearly an hour's worth of remixes, plus a couple of more lullaby-ish b-sides so as not to purvey more than the legal limit of an over-the-counter aphrodisiac. The remixes are clubby but musical, while the b-sides ("White Soft Rope" and a live version of "Hairy Trees") showcase Goldfrapp's less sexy and more elegant side. I swear, this girl's like one of those high-society women who crop up on "Special Victims Unit" every now and then, revealed to be taking part in deep underground S&M orgies when they're not organizing Race For the Cure fundraisers. The single mix isn't vastly different from the album version, with rubbery bass, ecstatic high-pitched vocal, and drumline strangely reminscent of "Gold" by John Stewart ("When the lights go down in a California town …") Rowan's remix brings things to a deeper and danker place, enhanced by a slightly embarrassing sampled moan – not embarrassing in terms of cheesiness, but more in that it sounds like Alison Goldfrapp getting a surprise finger in the ass. Calderone & Suryanto give it a tribal spin, at 12 minutes, ideal for your next sex-mix (sadly, three minute pop songs aren't great for a sex-mix, as they only encourage premature ejaculation – as such, I'm organizing a class-action suit against Squeeze). Peter Rauhofer's NYC Mix uses a Frankenstein-esque electrical buzz effect that, uncannily, actually makes my neck twitch, right where the bolts would be. This has me convinced that the family rumor of a zombie in my ancestry is true. Maybe I could have qualified for minority student grants after all! The last few mixes push things deep into a very-late-night haze: Rauhofer's UK Mix is stripped-down to an almost subconscious level; Benny Benassi's mix plays up the gritty electrobass; the almost totally instrumental "Stripped Machine" mix is pure serotonin, boosting the chemical euphoria full-on and building to an exhausted climax. As with most Goldfrapp discs, I'm left unsure whether I've been listening to music or having crazy sex in the VIP room. Review by |
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