The Loud Bassoon

Hot Butter
Pop Corn
(Musicor 3242)

Pop corn indeed. The title of this album perfectly encapsulates its appeal. The hit title song, if you haven't heard it, is a manic, grating, great instrumental that showcases the Moog synthesizer in all of its most annoying applications, which of course, makes it essential listening.

The magic is sought and not regained on covers of "Apache," "Pipeline," and "Telestar," which each have nearly the exact same arrangement. Some slow and mid-tempo numbers are thrown in to prevent disabling headaches, including the deliciously ripe "Tomatoes" and an ill-fated attempt on "Amazing Grace."

The Hot Butter album remains the standard in lovably awful synthesizer music … it's the aural equivalent of a serious Slurpee® brain-freeze. Don't "pass" on the "pop corn."

1 lil' puppies2 lil' puppies3 lil' puppies4 lil' puppies

Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Hattie Huber

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