The Loud Bassoon

Spice Girls
Too Much
(Virgin Records America 38630)

A fine CD single for one of the better singles off Spiceworld, the Too Much EP contains the expected radio mix, plus an "orchestral mix," an R&B remix ("SoulShock & Karlin Remix"), and the awesome b-side "Outer Space Girls" (which should'a made the album).

The song itself is smooth midtempo girl-group stuff in the general vein of En Vogue's "Give Him Something He Can Feel" – good goddamn pop, sir. The orchestral version is ripe for mix-taping; the SoulShock remix is decent if trifling – both of these are fine versions even though they reveal Mel C's voice to be quite a lot weaker than I like to think it is as I fantasize about her karate-kicking me in the groin while singing this song.

"Too Much" is one of Mel C's biggest spotlight songs, but she can't really hit the big notes – what do you want, she's busy doing judo chops and walking trapezes and such.

The biggest draw for the disc is the essential "Outer Space Girls," basically a rewrite of "My Prerogative" by Bobby Brown but with more Girl Power than you can shake a stick at. (Not that stick, pervert! How'd you get in here, anyway – are we still linked from

You have to love a song that has the audacity to use a line like "Get with the M.G.M.V.E." and expect you to follow it. Of course, they know their audience will immediately recognize that as standing for "Mel C, Ginger, Mel B, Victoria, Emma," and will furthermore be delighted by the idea of the Spice Girls flying through space, "rockin' to the moon" with "a universal groove."

Not to mention the "G-force with a zoom-zoom," which I can only assume is technical lingo out of some secret NASA files. Too much!

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Auger Anthony

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