The Loud Bassoon

Laura Watling
Winter ep

Like a bottle of good porto when the snow is blowing around outside, Laura Watling's music warms the heart and creeps into those neglected wistful spaces where all your old boyfriends or girlfriends still have a drawer for their overnight clothes. Sweet, sad, smiley, sincere. In a perfect world she'd be bigger than Sarah McLachlan, but it makes more sense that she's a secret treasure you can keep in your lockbox.

The Winter ep was a limited-edition cdr (100 copies) with five wintery pop songs full of jingling guitars, ringing vibraphones and xylophones, mellow trumpets, and Laura's supersweet voice calling you long-distance just to say she loves you. "Spend the Winter With Me" is a buoyant 60s girl-group throwback that hits the spot every time; "The Winter Months" (a True Love Always cover) is nothing short of awesome; "My Favorite Kind of Day" is very nearly Cure-like, that is, the snuggly Cure of "Lovecats" or "Untitled."

It all wraps around you like a homemade blankie. If I have one problem with the disc, it's that I spilled some wine on it, so there's a purple stain on the edge. My bad.

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Loud Bassoon rating scale

Review by Debbie Discount

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